Featured Retailer | Town Shop NYC




Town Shop first opened its doors to customers in 1888 and now 125 years later Town Shop has truly solidified itself as “the most famous lingerie store in New York City.” 

Town Shop specializes in lingerie, and more specifically, the delicate art of fitting.  While visiting the Town Shop, each customer enjoys individual attention from experienced fitters who are trained to determine her correct size.  This exceptional level of customer service has been the key to their success for over 4 generations.

As born and raised New Yorkers growing up on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, Suzanna and I have always viewed Town Shop as an institution! We were so incredibly excited when they agreed to give POTTYMINTS a chance to sell in their store, and it has become a mainstay at their checkout ever since! 

We are so incredibly grateful to be working with Dan and the entire team at Town Shop! 

If you ever find yourself on the Upper West Side, please stop by Town Shop for some POTTYMINTS (…of course!) it's truly an unforgettable experience!
Town Shop
2270 Broadway, New York, NY 10024
(212) 595-6600


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