This past year has been one of the most defining years of my life. Among the countless choices we make, few hold as much weight as choosing a life partner. And on June 9th, 2024, I made the greatest decision of all—I married the love of my life, Alanna.
Now, if you're expecting a sweeping, cinematic retelling of our love story—our first date, our falling in love—I hate to disappoint. This isn’t that blog.
This is, however, a love story. And, surprisingly, it’s a story about how POTTYMINTS played a starring role in my journey to finding my wife.
Our story begins in December 2023, when Alanna and I met for our first date.
First dates were always an interesting experience for me—because inevitably, at some point, my date would ask:
“So, what do you do for a living?”
(Insert audible nervous gulp here.)
There are few things less romantic than discussing bathroom odor eliminators over dinner. And yet, as the CEO of POTTYMINTS, this was my reality.
To navigate this precarious moment, I came prepared. In the inner pocket of my jacket, I always carried three POTTYMINTS—like a bathroom magician of sorts, ready for the big reveal.
When the question arose, I’d calmly place the POTTYMINTS on the table, give my well-rehearsed explanation, and hand them over with a smile, saying, “Here, try them for yourself… and now, let’s talk about literally anything else.”
This interaction was a litmus test of sorts—determining not only the course of the date but, in some cases, whether there would even be a second one. After all, while you—our beloved POTTY People—embrace the conversation of bathroom freshness, not everyone does. And certainly, not everyone does on a first date.
So, as I sat across from Alanna, I knew the moment of truth was approaching.
She looked at me and asked, “What do you do for work?”
I took a breath, reached into my jacket, and placed the POTTYMINTS on the table.
I gave my usual pitch, a brief backstory on how my sister (and business partner) Suzanna came up with the idea, and then—I waited.
It was a pivotal moment. I already knew this date felt different. The crowded, bustling restaurant around us faded into the background. It was as if we were in “portrait mode”—a blur of movement surrounding two people completely locked into each other.
Alanna looked down, inspecting the POTTYMINTS in front of her. I held my breath.
Then, she looked up and beamed.
(Insert my audible sigh of relief.)
Later, Alanna would tell me that in that moment, she knew she had found the perfect man:
“Who knew I was searching for you and a POTTYMINT my whole life?”
She went on to explain that she had been using a before-you-go bathroom spray—but found the scent overwhelming and the bottle unsightly on her counter.
Inside my head? Absolute pandemonium. A stadium-sized celebration of high-fives, chest bumps, and victory dances.
Not only was this woman stunningly beautiful, intelligent, and kind—but she had impeccable taste in bathroom air fresheners?
Needless to say, I was smitten.
After two more picture-perfect dates—just to make sure my emotions weren’t clouding my judgment—I went home and wrote in my journal:
“Well, you, sir, have a new girlfriend… and even better… you are going to marry this woman.”
As the weeks passed, we fell deeper in love. And just one week after that fateful first date, something unexpected happened.
My phone started blowing up with Shopify sales notifications—one after another, after another.
I had no idea what was happening… until I found out.
Page Six had just published an article titled: Brooke Shields is gifting toilet mints for the holidays: ‘They really do work!’
This was not normal.
I immediately called Alanna in disbelief, blurting out: “What is my life right now?!?”
From that moment on, Alanna was not just my girlfriend—she became my sounding board in all things POTTYMINTS. She weighed in on packaging, fragrances, design elements—things most significant others never have to think about.
We tested new products together in real-life situations—like when we traveled to Mexico for a wedding, both got food poisoning, and tested the limits of The Weekend Bundle in a shared bathroom.
Through every moment—glamorous or less so—she supported me. She believed in me. And I knew, without a doubt, I couldn’t live this life without her by my side.
So, on June 9th, 2024, I made the best decision of my life.
I married her.
Surrounded by our family, friends, and yes—even some fellow POTTY People—we celebrated a love story that, in a way, all began with a tiny, luxury air freshener tablet.
Now, if there’s a moral to this story, it’s not that you should start a bathroom air freshener business in hopes of finding your soulmate.
But rather, that love is about choosing someone to share every moment with—even the less glamorous ones.
At POTTYMINTS, we believe in making life’s uncomfortable moments a little more refined, a little more elegant… and, let’s be honest, a little less awkward.
We often say that we’re “saving relationships, one flush at a time.”
But after June 9th, I think we can add another quote to the mix:
“Trust me… They work.” – Alanna Grobman
And because we love and appreciate you for taking the time to read our story, here’s a little something for you:
Use the code: FLUSHEDWITHLOVE for 20% OFF
From our bathroom to yours, with love,
Matthew Grobman